
TForce™ is a tool for managing training program changes, including training requests, performance analysis, and required reading. The software has an action tracking module for providing oversight on action item completion and a reviews module where impact assessments can be approved or rejected. TForce’s unique traceability feature allows users to follow a change from a performance analysis, into a training request, and finally into a workable action.

Key Features of TForce™ Include:

  • Customize the request process for different types, disciplines, and programs.
  • Handle simple requests for JITT rising in complexity to corporate level requests that impact multiple disciplines at multiple sites.
  • Personalize your dashboard and email notifications to see items that are of most interest to you.
  • Schedule training sessions and evaluate results.
  • Tailor performance analysis questions to fit your process.
  • Easy to use modern web based application that only requires a web browser for desktop use.


Training Requests

Requests can be submitted to multiple training programs, providing a collaborative environment where instructors across sites and programs can share their impact assessments and findings. Compliant with the Analysis Phase of the Systematic Approach to Training Process (NISP-TR-01).

Ops Training Performance

Manage performance data for both licensed and unlicensed operator trainees. Document training sessions and improvement opportunities.

Performance Analysis

Integrates seamlessly with the training requests module allowing personnel to collaborate when a performance gap is identified. Facilitates tracking of items needed to close the gap.

Required Reading

Quickly screen procedure changes and determine their impact on training. Create a single required reading document and track student progress.


Track action items associated with a training request or performance analysis. Flexible enough to provide traceability to other modules or manage standalone “ToDo” items.


Committees can review and approve or reject the decisions made by their instructors using the integrated reviews module.

TForce™ is entirely web-based and requires a web browser for desktop use

For more information, email us at tforce@maxetatech.com or call Maxeta Technologies at 1-877-9-MAXETA

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